From Site: S-51
Sherd Type: Body, Handle
Vessel Type: Unknown
Ware Type: Common
Temper: Grit
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: | | | |
Pre-Islamic: |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: |
Palaeolithic: |
Comparanda/References: C-57 C-87 C-88 C-127 C-139 C-391 Whitcomb (1988), Fig. 13m
Notes: Almost a stoneware. Light pink ware. Horizontal, triangular, notched tab handle on exterior. Body 0.6 cm thick. Probably from the same vessel as C-87 and C-88.
(30 April, 2004) I now doubt whether C-88 is from the same vessel.