Name: جوجة ٣ (Jūjah 3)
Site Type: Settlement
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: | | | |
Islamic: | | | |
Pre-Islamic: | | | |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Alluvium
Site Condition: Good
Coordinates: 1763351 N, 242817 E
Elevation: 689 MSL
Length: 450 m
Width: 200 m
Long Axis: N–S
Notes: Site visited by me in 1994, as I was sighting from Jujah 4 to Jujah 2. Apparently a 2-period site, with one or two Pre-Islamic houses (mostly cut away by a modern field) and one Islamic farmhouse with a nearby outbuilding about 100 m NE of that. Stretching about 350 m N of the Islamic house (A-31) is a small Islamic village with about 5 houses and one well-preserved mosque (A-32). About 100 m NE of A-31 is a large, relatively recent, but abandoned well. Not certain whether A-31 and the village are contemporary.