Site Type: Mortuary
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: |
Pre-Islamic: |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: | | |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Scree
Site Condition: Excellent
Coordinates: 1751516 N, 230442 E
Elevation: 773 MSL
Notes: Cairn site on the scree about 50m above the wadi floor. One large cairn with some small cairns (<1m dia.) arranged in a line down the slope from the large cairn. Large cairn stands over 1m high, built on a rock outcrop. The capstones of the large cairn have fallen in slightly, but are still in place. Interior of the large cairn is filled with dirt. (Probably, this would be one of the most rewarding cairns to excavate.)