Name: وادي شب ٢ (Wādī Šab 2)
Site Type: Isolated Structure
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: | | |
Pre-Islamic: | |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: | |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Spur/Ridge
Site Condition: Excellent
Coordinates: 1779843 N, 275279 E
Elevation: 759 MSL
Notes: Lookout (A-16) on ridge about 75m above the wadi floor. many small stones on the foundations and in the mud, probably from decomposed brick (though Hussein disagrees, thinking that they’re chinking stones). One small cairn (grave?) about 5m to the west. Other stone circles 20–30m west and northwest. Excellent view of S-42, Wadi Shab, and a large part of Wadi Dhahab.