Name: حكمة (Ḥakmah)
Site Type: Isolated Structure
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: | | |
Pre-Islamic: | | | |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Alluvium
Site Condition: Good
Coordinates: 1748796 N, 283446 E
Elevation: 681 MSL
Notes: House (A-15) in the middle of the wadi, on a gravel bed in the alluvium. Probably Islamic, but possibly built atop an earlier mud-brick structure. Much chipped obsidian in and around the structure.
Most ceramics from this site are are definitely Islamic, but some could well be Pre-Islamic.
(12/24/07) Upon completion of the ceramics typology, it is now apparent that the majority of these sherds are, in fact Pre-Islamic, but that there are some which are probably Islamic.