Name: اليوية (al-Yuwayyah)
Site Type: Mortuary
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: |
Pre-Islamic: |
Bronze Age: | |
Neolithic: | |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Spur/Ridge
Site Condition: Excellent
Coordinates: 1778552 N, 274684 E
Elevation: 713 MSL
Length: 250 m
Long Axis: NW–SE
Notes: Cairns, lines, and stone circles stretched along a ridge and on its slopes. Numerous cairns, some standing over 1m high. Other cairn sites visible across wadis to the east and southeast. Very few surface collections (only 2 possible lithics). Top of ridge about 100m above wadi bottom. A spring is in the cliff face to the west of the site, and a newer (but probably still ancient) check dam is in the wadi below the spring. Paths and use areas are evident throughout the site.