Site Type: Encampment
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: | | | |
Pre-Islamic: | | | |
Bronze Age: | |
Neolithic: | |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Wadi Bed
Site Condition: Excellent
Coordinates: 1776799 N, 277566 E
Elevation: 619 MSL
Notes: 2 or 3 cairns; 4 stone-built shelters; 1 Musnad inscription (I-1). No certainty that these elements are all of the same period, but the inscription is definitely Pre-Islamic.
One porcelain sherd collected, so there is some degree of Islamic period presence—but the other sherds are not so unambiguously Islamic. Regardless, however the sherds don’t necessarily represent any long-term presence.