Name: الغرف (al-Ġuraf)
Site Type: Isolated Structure
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: | | | |
Pre-Islamic: | | | |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Alluvium
Site Condition: Good
Coordinates: 1766324 N, 284546 E
Elevation: 512 MSL
Length: 70 m
Width: 40 m
Long Axis: N–S
Comparanda/References: Sedov and al-Saqqaf (1996)
Notes: Recorded elevation probably very wrong. Small mound. 2 mud brick structures visible (A-11, A-12). A-11 may be Islamic Period. A-12 definitely Pre-Islamic. Top of A-11 about 20m off the wadi floor. Large stone wall visible to the west of A-11, in a cut near the bottom of the tell. See A. al-Saqqaf’s (& Sedov’s?) article in AAE about this site.