Name: الصناهجة (aṣ-Ṣanāhajah)
Site Type: Settlement
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: | | | |
Pre-Islamic: |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Spur/Ridge
Site Condition: Excellent
Coordinates: 1766717 N, 282566 E
Elevation: 709 MSL
Length: 150 m
Width: 70 m
Long Axis: NW–SE
Notes: Town site spread across 3 ridges, about 55m above the wadi bottom (and possibly also to the east, on the wadi bottom). Mud brick structures with stone foundations. Approximately 20 houses, densely packed. Four most prominent structures (A-3, A-4, A-5, A-6) noted on sketch map. According to “Kitab al-Jam‘a Min Ansab al-Hajrin Mahmud ‘Abd al-Qadr Ba Matraf” (Dar al-Kitab Sana’a, 1999)—see field notebook for Arabic spelling—the residents of this town all left for Andalousia in the Early Islamic Period. However, many of the walls of the structures in this site are in excellent condition, leading me to believe that much of this site is more recent than postulated in the book.
Datable ceramics all seem late, as well.