Name: قلعة مريمة (Qalʿat Maryamah)
Site Type: Isolated Structure
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: | | | |
Pre-Islamic: |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: |
Palaeolithic: |
Terrain: Spur/Ridge
Site Condition: Good
Coordinates: 1766351 N, 268213 E
Elevation: 700 MSL
Length: 100 m
Width: 60 m
Long Axis: N–S
Notes: Islamic period fortress(es) atop a spur about 75m above the wadi floor. Multiple structures; mud brick with stone foundations. Some painted sherds; many red-slipped sherds. A-1 on high peak; A-2 on level below the peak; other structures visible on the slopes of the spur. A-1 possibly earlier than A-2, based their preservation.
Pottery is all Islamic.