From Site: S-23
Sherd Type: Rim
Vessel Type: Zir
Ware Type: Common
Temper: Grit
Diameter: 32 cm
| Possible | Probable | Certain |
Modern: |
Islamic: |
Pre-Islamic: | | | |
Bronze Age: |
Neolithic: |
Palaeolithic: |
Comparanda/References: C-1 Sedov (1995a), fig.6.9 (similar, but not an exact fit)
Notes: Two joining pieces. Inscribed on rim (I-18). Found in house under large stone to the southwest of the probable temple. Heavy, almost stone ware. Black core. Red surfaces. Rim thickened interiorly and exteriorly to form flat upper surface for inscription. Raised horizontal ridge on exterior, below rim. Ridge has diagonal notches in it. Between rim and ridge is an incised wavy band. Wheel made. 32 cm diameter at inner edge of rim.